
What is CiglaQuest?

CiglaQuest is a little webcomic made by a SUPER TALENTED SERBIAN GUY, heavily inspired by homestuck and other media i like. It has a pretty wacky and confusing story, so i dont suggest reading this if you dont have much HIGH BRAINPOWER!!! this is for INTELLECTUALS ONLY it's currently in development and is expected to come out SOON ENOUGH. It's planned to have many pages, uniquely drawn panels, lots of lovable characters, and a extremely in-depth lore.

...Okay maybe not so comprehensive, but im quite proud of this project and i hope everyone who reads it will like it. But i have other projects you should most definetly check out.


It takes place in our universe, except there is a celestial object above earth called the Land Divided By Light And Dark which has 5 moons, but for now, all you need to focus on is our FIVE HEROES which have been fated to play a game, on that very fateful day that is THE 2ND OF JULY! and while playing the game they escape from the also very much fated destroy-age of earth.

Parts of CiglaQuest