Read CiglaQuest

>Years in the past

You are known as Junior because your dad is the Adamantine God of the ciglaverse,LORD CIGLA and he always steals your spotlight. Altough nobody never met him, not even you or your 5 younger siblings.
You are the guardian of the CENTRAL UNIVERSE, at sector ABC-B. And also the FIRST guardian of ABC-B. It's pretty vacant, it contains the labs, they dont really have a name, its just laboratories full of energifiers, appearifiers, mixifier, lots of more -ifiers.
Anyways you are 12 trickster revolutions old, your birthday is on the uhhhhhhhHHHHHH
You play GnixelQuest on your laptop alone, just wrecking everything with your Dubious Trickhammer of Condescence. Your GnixelTag is "Kallixed", and thats what some people refer to you as. You play as the "Trickster" class which allows the user to alter reality in a tricky manner, you aren't so strong since your cigla power haven't evolved yet.
In your room you have your real life Dubious Trickhammer of Condescence, which you use to intimidate your opponents, intimidate since you cant really lift it. And your gun, its a gun. On your bed you have your diary, you bring it everywhere to write your life. Next to your bed you have "How 2 B A Bad Bitch" by James Cook, who is your role model and you live by that book. And under that is the book your dad gave to you, you tried reading it but you dont understand it.

>Examine Diary