Read CiglaQuest


You are Kuramiz Terakov you are 12 years old, your birthday is on the 12 of august, which is not today, today is the 16th of june, although your 13th birthday is approaching soon. You like Serbian folk music and your favorite music artist in that genre is Orlando Tyrigen. Whos poster you have to the up-right of your pc, on which you have your 2011 ULTRA HD PRO MAX MollerotterĀ© Camera which you use to record your daily tricky shenanigans. On said pc, you like to play the game called GnixelQuest on which you play as the bleater class, it plays as a support class, your loadout is the EPIC TRUMPET when used plays a 5 second trumpet melody and gives all of your clan members in the area a 10% efficiency boost. and the Petar Pun hat is PURELY COSMETIC, all though it is extermely rare, only obtainable in the 2002 Petar Pun Collab, as the rarest reward. You are one of 12 people in the universe to own it. You weren't there for the event but your older brother traded it to you as he does not play the game anymore. You're also a huge fan of wood-work, you're only a beginner, working only with ply-wood but you love your hobby.

>Kuramiz: Examine shelf